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jQuery File Upload Control for XMod Pro
02.04.00 released 1/7/2018
Upgrade Path

DOES NOT retains backwards compatibility.

Previously, the AcceptFileTypes defaulted to "*" which meant all files were accepted. Now, by default no files are allowed. If you have always explicitly set the AcceptFileTypes, then proceed. If not, set this property on your control(s) prior to upgrading.

Previously, the AllowedRoles defaulted to "Registered Users". Now, by default it's set to Super Users or Administrators. Be sure to set this property according to your needs.

Additions and Enhancements
  1. Critical security patch to prevent unauthorized file manipulation under specific environments
  2. New Added ability to create your own encryption key via web.config (XileEncryptionKey)
  3. General enhancements
  4. Minor bug fixes
jQuery File Upload Control for XMod Pro
02.03.00 released 7/10/2017
Upgrade Path

Retains backwards compatibility. Install as you would normally.

Additions and Enhancements
  1. Security patch to prevent unauthorized file manipulation under specific environments
  2. Added support for AWS signature v4
  3. Upgraded to latest AWS SDK core and S3 assemblies
02.02.00 released 6/15/2016
Upgrade Path

Retains backwards compatibility. Install as you would normally.

Additions and Enhancements
  1. Added File Description property
  2. Increased security/encryption features
Bug Fixes
  1. Resolved issue with JavaScript conflict in some instances of DNN8+

Upgrade Path

Retains backwards compatibility. Install as you would normally.

Additions and Enhancements

  1. Added "Amazon S3 Storage" option to easily integrate AWS S3 Cloud storage.
  2. Added "AWSAccessKey" property for S3 Storage.
  3. Added "AWSSecretKey" property for S3 Storage.
  4. Added "S3BucketName" property for S3 Storage.
  5. Added "S3BucketPath" property for S3 Storage.
  6. Added "S3SaveOriginalBucketName" property for S3 Storage when using SaveOriginal="True".
  7. Added "S3SaveOriginalBucketPath" property for S3 Storage when using SaveOriginal="True".
  8. Added "AWSRegion" property for S3 Storage.
  9. Added "Microsoft Azure Storage" option to easily integreate Azure Cloud storage.
  10. Added "AzureAccount" property for Azure storage.
  11. Added "AzureKey" property for Azure Secret Key.
  12. Added "AzureContainer" property for Azure container.
  13. Added "AzurePath" property to immitdate folder structure for Azure storage.
  14. Added "AzureSaveOriginalContainer" property for saving original images on Azure.
  15. Added "AzureSaveOriginalPath" property for immidating folder structure for original images.
  16. Added "Document Management" mode which incrememnts filenames based on their existance.
  17. Added "DMRootName" to specify a rootname for Document Management mode. (Ie: DMRootName="LeaseAgreement")
  18. Added "DMSuffix" to specify a versioning suffix for Document Management Mode. (Ie: DMSuffix="_version")
  19. Added "ZipMode" property to allow the unarchiving of .zip files on upload. Warning: Bypasses Max Files setting but does obey Allowed Extensions property.
  20. Added Friendly Errors to assist in configuration issues.
  21. Enhanced loading of 3rd party javascript libraries by combining into one file.
  22. Several minor enhancements to server-side functionality.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue when using UniqueFilename="False" and filenames are nearly identical. Potentially showed duplicates within edit form.

Upgrade Path

Retains backwards compatibility. Install as you would normally.

Additions and Enhancements

  1. Added "AllowDownload" property which defaults to True, enabling the user to download their files from the control after the upload has finished.
  2. Several minor enhancements to server-side functionality.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue where images were not being resized properly when a prefix did not exist.

Upgrade Path

Retains backwards compatibility. Install as you would normally.

Additions and Enhancements

  1. Automatically load jQueryUI from host settings if not detected.

Upgrade Path

Retains backwards compatibility. Install as you would normally.

Bug Fixes

  1. Patch for IE8 compatibility when using resized images.

Upgrade Path

Retains backwards compatibility. Install as you would normally.

Additions and Enhancements

  1. General improvements on javascript functions.

Upgrade Path

Retains backwards compatibility. Install as you would normally.

Additions and Enhancements

  1. Added SequentialUploads which defaults to True. This improves on UX when uploading many files at one time. Previously smaller files even though down the list would populate faster due to asynchronous calls. Set this to false to revert to previous behavior.
  2. Changed delete behavior for better performance.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed parsing of filenames when file would have an actual space in the name.

Initial Release