First, add the following properties to your control:
Storage="s3" Mode="document management"
<rmg:xile Storage="s3" Mode="document management" Id="Files" DMRootName="LeaseAgreement" DMSuffix="_v" AWSAccessKey="AccessKey" AWSSecretKey="SecretKey" S3BucketName="UserUploads" S3BucketPath='[[Join("SomePath/{0}", [[User:ID]])]]' AWSRegion="oregon" DataField="Files" UploadMode="Single" AutoUpload="True" AcceptFileTypes="pdf" AllowedRoles="Registered Users"> </rmg:xile>
When using "Document Management" mode, you can specify a forced naming convention for your uploads as well as a versioning suffix. For example, if using the above example if someone uploads a PDF called "Somefile.pdf" it'll be saved as LeaseAgreement_v1.pdf. If they upload again, it'll version and save the newest upload as LeaseAgreement_v2.pdf and so on.
The following table illustrates the property attributes that are required with the red border to the left as well as all extended options.
Example: AWSRegion="us standard"